SanUV 'Air'e!


Air Purification and Surface Sanitation Solutions!

OUr Mission

Proven Protection Against Airborne Threats! Ensure our nation has the safest, cleanest, best quality air and disease-free transportation vehicles (Buses, Rail Cars, Boats, Airplanes), Hospitals, Airports, Buildings and Homes in the world; that improves the quality of life and experience for all people and communities, and increases the productivity and competitiveness of businesses while reducing their employee absenteeism and maintenance costs

OUr Vision

To Develop the Most Innovative and Reliable Systems to provide the Safest and Healthiest Indoor Environments for All People!
Air is Life, SanUV ‘Air’e for Better Life!

Get Informed!

We Take Over 20,000 Breaths A Day!

Unless we have a problem, we don’t think about what we’re breathing in, and how that air might affect our bodies.

  • EPA: Indoor Air Quality is 2 to 5 times worse than outdoors
  • WHO: Air quality is the single biggest environmental hazard in the world
  • CDC: 1 in 12 children and 1 in 14 adults in the US have asthma
  • UL: 72% of toxic chemicals are indoors
  • EPA: 50% of our nation’s 115,000 schools have problems linked to indoor air quality
  • ASHRAE: 213 million work days lost in the US due to poor indoor air quality​
  • 40,000 Harmful Droplets are released from One Sneeze
  • 3,000 Harmful Droplets are released after Every Cough
  • CDC/EPA/ASHRAE/DHS: 90% of Infectious diseases are spread Airborne, only 10% are Surface​
  • Allergens, Mold, Bacteria, Mildew, Viruses, Germs, etc…, Thrive in Dark, Damp, Warm or Cold environments, Such as: your Closets, Air Ducts and AC Coil!
  • They Reproduce and spread by Air every time your HVAC system goes ON to heat or cool your space (House, Offices, Bus, Rail Cars, School, Hospital, Stadiums, etc.) ​
  • NTSRAC (CUTR): Epidemics & Pandemics are mainly caused by the transmission of Airborne and Surface infectious diseases, Such as: Ebola, TB, Hep A/B/C, MERSA, SARS, C’ Diff, FLU, COLD, H1N1, Salmonella, and many more!
  • CDC/DHS: Bio-Terror Agents Such as: Chicken Pox, Anthrax, etc… are Airborne activated and spread!

Chemicals are One of the Two basic methods for surface Disinfection which is sprayed or wiped on the surfaces. Use of chemicals has many Health and Safety disadvantages:
CHEMICAL Surface Disinfection

  • Frequent use of Chemicals will leave residuals buildup which is very Harmful and Toxic to People and Pets
  • Chemicals generate lingering VOCs which are very harmful if Breathed In
  • Chemicals will wipe off easily in high traffic areas
  • Cleaners cannot cover all interior surfaces effectively.
  • Chemicals are costly and labor intensive.
  • Chemicals are harmful to cleaners 

Our IAQ Monitor and Sensor Provides Visibility At Your Fingertips!

We can’t manage what we don’t see or know!

We can’t fight air pollution unless we understand the source.
Based on EPA Standards, recommendations and proven Science, You can, instantaneously, check all the parameters that affect your Indoor Air Quality & learn how to intervene and make the necessary adjustments for a Healthier Indoor living!

  • Temperature 
  • CO/CO2/NO2 
  • Air Pressure
  • Relative Humidity
  • Ozone (O3)
  • Particulate Matter /Dust 
  • VOCs

SanUVAire Breathe-Safe(TM) and Surface-Safe(TM) Systems can address all of Your Air Purification and Surface Disinfection needs!

  • CDC/EPA/ASHRAE/DHS: Our Systems provide a 99.9999% Kill Rate for any of the Airborne or Surface Pathogens within 10-15 minutes.
  • Allergens, Mold, Bacteria, Mildew, Viruses, Germs, etc…, that thrive in Dark, Damp, Warm or Cold environments will be completely Irradiated!
  • They will no longer be able Reproduce and spread after being Terminated
  • NTSRAC (CUTR): Epidemics and Pandemics are avoided by applying preventative measures and proactive solutions, such as UVGI protection technology; rather than being reactive. After which, too much damage and costs would have been incurred!
  • CDC/DHS: Bio-Terror Agents Such as: Chicken Pox, Anthrax, etc… effects can be tremendously minimized using UVGI Technology, which can eliminate 99.99% of the agents.
    To learn more, visit our Products Page. 

SanUVAire Surface-Safe(TM) UVGI Technology is the only other safe and effective method for surface disinfection. Unlike chemicals, it has NO Health and Safety disadvantages:
UVGI Surface Disinfection

  • No harmful residuals on interior surfaces that are toxic to People and Pets
  • UVGI does not wipe off, 99.99% effective in high traffic areas.
  • UVGI Lamp Rays reach spaces cleaners cannot reach
  • Disinfected area is much greater
    Cost effective; UNITS will provide many years of daily use
  • No costly chemicals or labor intensive
    Safe to use by cleaners
    Apply and repeat at any time as needed

To learn more, visit our Products Page.


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